3D Amsterdam
The city of Amsterdam has developed its own Local Digital Twin (LDT), 3D Amsterdam (now part of Netherlands 3D) in collaboration with the city of Utrecht, the city of Rotterdam, and the provinces of Flevoland and Utrecht. This open-source, reusable tool prioritizes ethics, privacy, and data ownership.
The LDT has become the foundation for a nationwide program, enhancing data quality and automating permit request checks. Locally, it’s been used for innovative projects like assessing the visibility of solar panels on historic buildings and improving city water management.
The LDT is developed by the Planning and Sustainability department of the city (‘Ruimte en Duurzaamheid’) in close cooperation with urban planning and thematic experts. Within the T4R-project, the city of Amsterdam is going to seek more cooperation and involvement of private market parties (developers), architects and local development agencies like Zuidas.
The pilot action is aimed at sharing data, relevant for facilitating urban planning and development in the city. The city is facing a large development challenge aiming at increasing the number of dwellings in the city by 7.500 every year. This can only be realised if all stakeholders work together and - the LDT can facilitate this - if all parties have up-to-date and accurate insights in data related to the development goals. The Zuidas is one of this designated area were both infrastructure renewal (Zuidasdok) and mixed development come together.
During the pilot action, Amsterdam will develop and test the usability of a LDT by using the LDT in different phases of urban planning (preparatory/exploration, planning/feasibility, formal planning/zoning phase, design and implementation phase). During all of these phases a different level of detail of different data-sets/indicators/parameters is needed.
Amsterdam aims to demonstrate the impact of European law changes, for example on urban planning, and the effects of public and private projects on the environment. Through the Twin4Resilience project, the city will use the LDT for digital urban planning, sharing urban planning data with citizens, and visualizing new developments.